There's nothing about identifying these stamps that is easy, but I've created these three tables to help. I've got a YouTube video on Ken's Stamp Collection that breaks these all down.
I'm adding some space here so the larger images are fully visible.
This first table is for the Washington/Franklin series that spell out "ONE" and "TWO" for the denomination of the first two stamps. The rest of these stamps are distinguished by being--largely--perf. 12 or featuring Washington instead of Franklin. The one odd perf. 11 stamp is the TWO cent Washington:
This second table is for the Washington/Franklin series that use "1" and "2" for the denomination of the first two stamps. Just the first column in this table is perf. 12, but that shouldn't cause an identification problem. The first two stamps in that column use "1" and "2" for the denomination. The all the higher value stamps use Franklin's bust. The only potentially confusing stamp is the 7 cent Washington, but that's easy too, since there is no 7 cent Washington stamp in the previous issues.
Finally, this third table lists the coil and imperforate versions of these stamps.
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